ClaraNET Sign-Up

Welcome to the ClaraNET Connect pages.

This page will enable you to get online with ClaraNET:

  • 5mb of Free web space
  • Unlimited email addresses
  • Fast 33.6k modems, 56k ready
  • From only รบ3.99 per month

Page 1

Thankyou for trying ClaraNET. This is the first of a series of screens that will guide you through the process of opening an account with us. You can try ClaraNET without obligation for one month.

This is how the process goes:

  • Your computer dials into ClaraNET's signup server.
  • You are asked for various details, including a login name and password
  • ClaraNET's server passes information back to your computer including your local access telephone number.
  • Your computer disconnects and a New Connection is configured.

You are then ready to access the internet! You can cancel the process at any time. No details will be transferred until the final step.

Click Here to Begin

Click here to stop the process

If for any reason you are having difficulty connecting to the signup server,
click here to read the trouble shooting guide.